Messy Can't Stop Her

Embracing Self-Love: A Path to Knowing God

Judith Kambia Obatusa (JKO) Season 4 Episode 16

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We all search for meaning, for connection with something bigger than ourselves. This episode explores the connection between self-love and understanding the divine. Learn how knowing yourself and loving yourself while embracing your imperfections in all its messy glory allows you to experience the divine.

References in this episode

Healing the Heart Retreat

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Welcome to this episode of Messy Can’t Stop Her. I am your host, Judith Kambia Obatusa – JKO.

On today’s episode, we will be exploring the answer to the question - Can we truly know or love God without knowing or loving ourselves? 

We often seek God outside ourselves—through rituals, scriptures, and religious practices. But what if the divine resides within us? The holy scripture tells us that we are made in the image of God. Could it be that understanding ourselves better is a gateway to understanding the divine?

Could it be that there is a connection between self-awareness, self-love, and our understanding of the divine?

Imagine standing before a mirror, not just any mirror, but a sacred mirror that reflects the essence of your being. When you look into this mirror, what do you see? — what is the reflection staring back at you? 

Do you see flaws and imperfections, or do you see the radiant light of your soul? Do you see love or judgment? Do you see the beautifully imperfect human staring back at you, or do you see all the things you wish you could change?

When you look into this mirror, what do you see? 

Our relationship with ourselves mirrors our relationship with God. If we can’t love the imperfect, evolving soul within us, how can we truly love the divine?

Self-love is not vanity; it is reverence for the sacred vessel that carries our spirit. When we embrace our quirks, scars, and vulnerabilities, we honor the divine spark within.

Many spiritual traditions emphasize the importance of a relationship with the divine. But what if that relationship hinges on another, often overlooked, connection – the one we have with ourselves?

Many times we seek God outside of ourselves, in churches, in books, in other people. But what if God is not just out there, but also within us?

The Bible tells us that we are the temple of God and that the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity will come and reside inside us when we invite Him in by accepting Jesus as our saviour.

So if we say that God can be found within us, would we not be correct? Especially if we are Christians?

The ancient wisdom of mystics and sages across cultures suggests that the divine spark resides within each of us, waiting to be awakened. But how can we awaken this divine essence if we don't even know ourselves?

Imagine God as a breathtaking landscape. You can read descriptions, see photos, but the true awe comes from standing there, feeling the wind on your face. Self-love is like climbing the mountain to reach that vista. It is through self-discovery that we gain the perspective and capacity to fully appreciate the divine.

Think about it: If we're constantly critical of ourselves, if we struggle with self-worth, how can we truly grasp the concept of unconditional love, a cornerstone of many religions? How can we accept God's love for us if we can't even accept ourselves?

Here's the good news: Self-love isn't narcissism. It's about understanding, accepting, and appreciating who you are – flaws and all. It's about treating yourself with kindness and compassion, just as you would a loved one.

It's like we're all walking around with a little piece of the divine inside us, just waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. But how can we embrace that divine essence if we're constantly at war with ourselves?

Society often teaches us to feel shame about our imperfections. But what if we unlearned that shame? What if we saw our struggles as stepping stones toward growth? God doesn’t judge; God loves unconditionally. Can we extend the same grace to ourselves?

Remember, the tree does not berate its own branches for bending in the wind. It simply grows toward the light. Perhaps self-love is our way of growing toward the divine light.

To know God is to know oneself. It is about peeling back the layers of conditioning, societal expectations, and self-limiting beliefs to uncover the truth of who we are. And in that truth, we find God.

But self-discovery is not for the faint of heart. The truth is that it is not always easy. It requires courage to confront our shadows, compassion to embrace our vulnerabilities, and acceptance to love ourselves unconditionally. It's about diving headfirst into the messy parts of ourselves—the parts we'd rather keep hidden away. But guess what? Those messy parts are where the magic happens.

Because when we take the time to truly know ourselves—the good, the bad, and the messy—we begin to see glimpses of something greater within us. 

As we come to know ourselves, we will not be able to help falling in love with ourselves—not in a conceited or self-absorbed way, but in a deep, soulful way. It's like we're finally seeing ourselves for who we truly are: messy, imperfect, and absolutely divine.

Do you know that in moments of stillness, we are able to touch the sacred? When we meditate, pray, or simply breathe, we connect with the silence within. I have learnt that within this silence we can hear God’s whispers of love and guidance.

As we learn to connect with the silence, we will begin to recognize the divine presence within. We will begin to see God in the depths of our being, in the whispers of our intuition, and in the beauty of our humanity.

Loving ourselves means listening to that inner silence, trusting its wisdom, and knowing that we are enough—just as we are.

And as we come to know ourselves, we come to love ourselves—not in a narcissistic or egotistical way but in a deeply sacred way. We realize that loving ourselves is not separate from loving God; it's an expression of that love.

When we love ourselves, we honor the divine within us. We treat ourselves with kindness, respect, and compassion, recognizing that we are worthy of love simply because we exist.

And in that act of self-love, we create space for the divine to flow through us—to guide us, inspire us, and transform us into vessels of light and love.

By cultivating self-love, we become more open, more receptive to the divine. We become better vessels for love, allowing us to not only love God more fully, but also to extend that love outward to others. It's a beautiful ripple effect.

So, the next time you seek God, don't forget to look within. Embrace the sacred mirror of your soul, and you may just find that the God you've been searching for has been within you all along.

Before we wrap up, I want to leave you with some wisdom from the Bible and a few quotes from famous figures that resonate with today's topic.

Let's start with a verse from the Bible, Psalm 139:14, which says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Isn't that beautiful? It reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, just as we are—messiness and all.

A woman I admire dearly, Maya Angelou, once said, "I do not trust people who don't love themselves and yet tell me, 'I love you.' There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt."

Powerful words, right? They remind us that true love and acceptance start from within.

And finally, let's turn to the words of Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet, who said, "The wound is the place where the Light enters you."

A beautiful reminder that our messiness, our wounds, are not something to hide or be ashamed of—they're where the light of God, or the universe, or whatever higher power you believe in, enters our lives.

Take some time this week to reflect on your relationship with yourself. Remember, a strong foundation of self-love allows you to build a more profound connection with the divine, and with the world around you.

Thank you for joining me on this messy journey of self-discovery and self-love. Remember, you are messy, you are divine, and you are loved—always. 

I would also like to share something special with you all. If you would like an opportunity to dive deeper into your journey of self-discovery, I would like to invite you to the "Healing the Heart" retreat, taking place on the beautiful island of Tobago from May 13 to 17. This transformational experience is designed to help you heal old wounds, release limiting beliefs, and reconnect with your true essence.

 At "Healing the Heart," you'll be guided through powerful healing practices, nurturing workshops, and soul-nourishing activities—all in a supportive and loving environment.

So, if you're ready to embrace your messiness, love yourself fiercely, and deepen your connection with the divine, then this retreat is for you.

Click on the healing the heart retreat link in the show notes to learn more and reserve your spot today. Trust me, this is an opportunity for transformation that you won't want to miss.

My sisters, I thank you for joining me on this messy adventure called life. Until next time, stay true to yourself, embrace your messiness, and never forget that you are loved beyond measure. If this episode resonated with you, please share it with a friend.

And remember, keep shining your light—because the world needs your messy brilliance. When you do this, messy won’t stop you. Thank you so much for listening. See you next time.