Messy Can't Stop Her

Praying God’s Word over YOU with Mrs. Adebola Jaiye-Ojo: Finding Strength Through Prayer (in doubt or unbelief)

Judith Kambia Obatusa (JKO)/Mrs. Adebola Jaiye-Ojo Season 5 Episode 2

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Continuing the series on praying God's Word over you, JKO and Mrs. Adebola Jaiye-Ojo discuss the power of prayer and finding your inner strength, even in the toughest times. As the founder of the Refuge Children's Home, the Bees Fellowship and The Deborah’s prayer group, Mrs. Jaiye-Ojo is a beacon of spiritual strength and compassion. In this episode, she shares profound insights on how prayer can be a tool for healing and empowerment, why joy is a choice you can make no matter your circumstances, she showers listeners with powerful prayers to lift your spirit against life's challenges. 

Even if you're unsure about faith, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration!

References in this episode

2 Kings 5

Isaiah 42:16

Genesis 1:3

Psalm 3:5

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JKO:    Welcome to this episode of Messy Can't Stop Her. I'm your host, Judith Kambia Obatusa, J K O. Continuing our series on praying over us with God's Word, I have the immense privilege of welcoming my mother in the Lord, whom I mentioned in our last episode. And she's been a support to me over the years spiritually and emotionally, and in other ways, Mrs. Adebola Jaiye-Ojo. She is the founder of the Refuge Children's Home, where she supports the education of orphaned children, children that are orphaned from the unrest in the northern part of our country, Nigeria. She is also the founder of The Bees fellowship where she supports women to have peaceful homes and fulfill their purpose.

She also leads a women's prayer group, the Deborah's and she is a prayer warrior. On today's episode, we'll have the privilege of having her speak God's word over us. Welcome, ma. 

Mrs Adebola Jaiye-Ojo:           Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. 

JKO:    Thank you, Ma. Thank you, Ma. It's such a privilege. I know I've explained to everybody about you, but I just want to ask you something.

Over these years, you have been steadfast in the things of the Lord and you have been prayerful. Being prayerful doesn't mean that because you pray you have a perfect life. What is the role of prayer in your walk with God? Thank you very much. 

Mrs Adebola Jaiye-Ojo:           The role of prayer looking at my life has been my sustainer in communicating with God on a regular basis.

Prayer has an enhanced my relationship with God, thereby sustaining my faith in and giving the, you know, you know, you have a relationship that. is beneficial, you know, particularly divine relationship. So prayer has helped me in that line and also to enforce the will of God concerning my life, whether we like it or not, prayer is to enforce the will of God for us.

And it's the will that you know, that is your inheritance. The will that God has kept for you, prayer helps you to fight to get it. I don't know what I would have been without prayers, really, you know, because it's one responsibility I've accepted. in having a solid relationship with God and enforcing his will for my life.

JKO:    Thank you, Ma. Messy Can't Stop Her has people who may not believe in the God that we Christians believe in or people who are atheists who or agnostics and when we talk about prayer and how it is one of those tools to be healed, to be empowered, and to be able to live a life that's impactful, not just to others, but even to ourselves. So I have been led to start this series, but for that person who is listening to us, who just doesn't get it, and they may be living in the trenches of life. Dealing with so many challenges, apart from the fact that as a Christian, you, you already know that you can go to the word of God and apply this word in prayer towards your issue. What will you say to that person who is listening to us today, and doesn't know the Lord in that way? 

Mrs Adebola Jaiye-Ojo:           Well, I will only say, test and see, give it a try. Because until you try something, you don't know how good it is, so you need to give it a chance. If they say this thing is good, okay, let me give it a shot. If you go to a restaurant and they're selling, you know, they are kind of convincing you about a particular menu, oh, it's good, it's nice, people ask for it, you know, more people ask for it, da da da da da, okay, let me try, let me try it.

If you do, and you like it. Naturally, it becomes part of your menu. So I will want to say, look, give it a shot. Give it a try. That's all I can say, because until you try it, you don't understand what it is. You don't know what we feel. You don't know why we say what we say. You just have to try it. convince yourself to say, okay, let me give it a shot and let's see what will happen.

JKO:    Auntie, as you're saying this thing about giving it a shot, I'm just remembering in the book of, I believe, Second Kings, where the Syrian general fought, I think he had leprosy, and his maid, his maid told him, When I see the prophets in Israel and he's like, what, what, he doesn't believe in the God of Israel, the God the people of Israel believe in, but he took the advice of his little maid, a young girl, and he went to see the prophet and he got healed.

Mrs Adebola Jaiye-Ojo:           It takes humility apart from getting healed. He wasn't ready to take the instruction because it felt ridiculed. You mean just going to the river? Is it that there's no river where I'm coming from? I came all the way and all you want to tell me is to go to the river. I've come to hear something and all you want to tell me is to pray.

But you see, that little girl, even the servants, Oga, Master, try this thing. His humility brought him down to say, okay, let's try it. And that was it. So we just need to be open hearted, to be humble that we need help, accept that you need help, but you never know where the help will come from until you keep trying.

JKO:    So if you're listening to us here, You don't really believe in this God that we're talking about. But you are a woman in the trenches of life, going through challenges. Be like that general who did not know about this God of Israel, but he listened to the suggestion of that little girl and his other servants, and he got his complete healing.

I am believing that, as Mrs. Jaiye-Ojo who is a woman of God speaks The Word this, this moment as this word washes over you like rain that refreshes and cleanses that you will receive an answer, a solution to the challenge that you found yourself in. The floor is yours, Auntie. Pray over us. 

Mrs Adebola Jaiye-Ojo:           Hallelujah. I want to start with Ephesians chapter one and verse 17. This is a prayer of Paul. It says, “For I always”, I'm reading from the Amplified Classics, it says, “For I always pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him, By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can know and understand the hope to which he has called you and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints, His set apart ones”. I pray for everyone who is probably confused this morning that God will shed light upon your life, your eyes of understanding will be enlightened. You will come to understand, you will come to the reality of the truth. That will set you free. When there's light in the way, you see with clarity.

I pray that from today, you begin to see with clarity. Whatever is confusing you, I decree light. Let there be light. Let there be light for clarity that you will no longer be confused. May the light bring you to that consciousness of the truth. In the mighty name of the Lord. of Jesus. 

He said, “May their eyes be opened”. This is my prayer for you, that your eyes will be open to know the truth, to see the truth, and the grace to accept the truth for your freedom, for your freedom, for your peace, for your joy. Let your eyes of understanding be open. I pray and decree and declare that the scale covering your eyes, the covering, covering over your eyes will be removed in the name of Jesus.

Of what use is showing a beautiful picture or artwork to a blind person? Of what use? Somebody was, you know, traveling one time and they see a billboard and started laughing. The person seated by happened to be a blind person and was like, “Why are you laughing?” They said, “Oh, I just saw something.” The person blind could not appreciate what he saw.

I pray that what you need to see. May the Lord heal you of blindness, so that you will see and be free in the name of Jesus. Where your treasures are hidden, may your eyes be opened to see it. What will bring you joy, may your eyes be opened to see. What will bring you liberty, may your eyes be opened to see.

Blindness is evil! It robs one of joy. A blind man does not know his way, but this our God, the Bible says, He leads the blind in the way to go, because He helps you to see. It's not just physical eyes, but we're talking of the spiritual eyes to see things, to understand deep things. So I pray for you in that valley of confusion, let there be light, let there be light. 

That was God's first request at the beginning of creation, light, light will give wisdom, light will give revelation, life will make things easy for you. I pray that the God of light will overshadow you. we overshadow you, we overshadow you in the mighty name of Jesus. 

I don't know if I still have time to go on.

I want to go to my second prayer this hour, and it's to encourage someone to retain your joy. And that is found in the book of Habakkuk. It's for us, it’s one of the popular scriptures. But I want to open your eyes to something, you know, there's something about the opening of the eyes. how good your eyes are will determine how well you can see. I guess that's why some of us will use glasses so that we can see better. Hallelujah!

Habakkuk chapter 3:17, from 17 says, “Though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines, though the product of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, though the flock is cut off from the fold and there is no cattle in the stalls.” Verse 18 says, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will exult in the victorious God of my salvation!” 19 says, “The Lord God is my strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army. He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, and will make me to walk, not to stand still in terror, but to walk and make spiritual progress upon my high places of troubles, suffering, or responsibility”, you know, God is saying to someone, you need to make a choice like Habakkuk did, even when things may not be going on well, even when it looks as if God is not there for you. I mean, you can't pinpoint on anything that is really giving you hope. Can you today make a choice like Habakkuk, that no matter what, you will rejoice? 

And what that means is you will keep your joy. You will keep your joy. You know, Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 says the joy of the Lord is our strength. The reason why your joy is under attack is for you not to have strength, the strength to confront the enemy, the strength to confront that situation, the strength to say no, enough is enough.

Because all you're thinking about is rejection. You are frustrated. So the strength is gone. You are just there, almost helpless. You don't believe in yourself. You don't believe in anybody. You don't, you cannot see a beautiful tomorrow. But look at Habakkuk. He said, I went into my store, no food to eat. even paying bills is a challenge. Everywhere it seems to, it's like looking around, nothing is working. But he remembers that he has a father, a God who can make things happen. You see, He will make my feet like hinds’ feet, which means He will give me speed. You see, you need to make a choice to let the devil know, because all he wants is for you to believe that God does not love you. God is not with you. Why is this happening? Why is that one happening? I wish I had more time to tell you.

You know, I've just been working on a story in Mark chapter four. You know, 35 when Jesus said to the disciples, “let's cross over”. The fact that you're a child of God or God is taking you somewhere doesn't mean there'll be no storm. And the fact that there's a storm, the presence of the storm, does not mean the absence of God. But you have to, what I just want to focus on this hour is, make a choice to rejoice in the Lord who can make things happen. Nobody is like him, whether you believe it or not. There's a place of divinity. It's a mystery. 

Only fools will doubt mysteries. Because the proofs will show. You can't doubt this. That God is real. That's why I said, for those who are still confused, please come and taste. Come and taste what we are eating. Just taste and you see how fantastic your life can turn around. So like Habakkuk, he said, Well, things will not be working now, but I made my choice. “I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back.” So you have to make a choice to be happy, make a choice to have joy and joy in the Lord who can make it happen, who is too faithful to fail, before whom nothing shall be possible. If you can just understand who this God is, have a picture of a loving father, the best ally you can have, I mean, then you know that all will be well. You may not be able to see tomorrow, but you know, whatever it is you are going through will always end in your favor. In that book of Mark chapter 4, they finally crossed over because Jesus in the boat calmed the storm. Now, if you know that you belong to Jesus, that kind of God, you will have joy.

You will have joy. Just remember the beautiful acts of God in other lives, even in your own life. David said, “I slept and woke because the…” If you took sleeping pills to go to bed, who woke you up? The sleeping pill? No, there's no waking pill. He woke you up. He came to your bedside, “My daughter it’s a new day, wake up.” He is watching over you. He does not sleep. He does not slumber. He's so caring. He just wants you to get it so that you can respond to the ability in you. That's what I call responsibility. You have that ability to confront the devil. You have that ability to take over your life. You have that ability to decree and it will be established.

If only you know how powerful you are and that's what the enemy is afraid of. That's why he's coming after you so that it can steal your joy. I pray for you that there shall be restoration of joy. Amen. Let there be a restoration of joy. I ask for the fresh oil of joy, even if you have a measure of it. I ask that God will bring you to that overflow of joy.

Let the spirit of joy envelop you now in the mind of God. Jesus. No matter that situation. Let your strength be restored. Let your strength be restored. You are more than a conqueror. You are a fighter, and you a winner. Let that strength be restored. And the strength is in you. It will only come when joy is restored, because you can only draw from the well of salvation with joy.

Every package in God can only be taken, be received, be drawn with joy. Every stolen joy is restored in the name of Jesus. I ask for the fresh oil of joy, Holy Spirit, reveal yourself to your people this hour. That truly you are the spirit of joy. Jesus baptize everyone. You said you are going, but you leave the comforter with us and he's here with us.

We receive fresh joy, fresh joy that everybody begins to have received something to be joyful, something to thank God for, something to hope for, something to live for, and the strength will come and will take over and win the battle. I pray for you, that this God that I know, that I serve who has helped me over the years in the lives of women, who has been empowering them, that grace be extended to you.

He called me. I didn't call myself. He said, go open the eyes of their understanding. Take them out of the prison. I step into that mandate. No matter the prison of hell, the prison of trouble, of challenges that the enemy has put you in, by the oil of calling upon my life, I bring you out in the name of Jesus.

You are released. You are released from any bondage. Is it sickness? Is it depression? Oh, some are wounded, badly wounded. I pour the oil, the balmy Gilead for your healing. Be healed, be healed, be healed, be healed in the name of Jesus. Father, thank you. 

It's not in too much words, but in the display of your power. Back up with your power and let there be commotion of testimonies in the lives of these your wonderful damsels. So you'll give you the glory father. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. 

JKO:    Yes. Thank you so, so, so, so much. 

Mrs Adebola Jaiye-Ojo:           You're welcome. 

JKO:    And you've heard it. This joy? This joy? It is a choice. And when you do this, messy won't stop you. Thank you so much for listening. See you next time!