Messy Can't Stop Her

Praying God's Word over YOU: Genesis 16v13 and Psalms 139v13-14, He Knows Your Name

Judith Kambia Obatusa (JKO) Season 5 Episode 7

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Inspired by the story of Hagar from Genesis 16, host Judith Kambia Obatusa, JKO explores themes of divine recognition and acceptance, reminding us that God sees and knows each of us intimately. Through Psalms 139 verse 13-14 and the song "He Knows My Name" by the Maranatha Singers, JKO offers you comfort and encouragement no matter your circumstances. Don't miss this inspiring message and the special invitation to sign up for the free upcoming Confident Godly Woman Summit

Tune in to receive hope, healing, and strength through prayer and scripture as you learn to embrace your unique identity and God's unwavering love.

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Welcome to this episode of Messy Can't Stop Her. I am your host Judith Kambia Obatusa, J K O. Continuing our series on Praying Scriptures Over You, I was inspired by the story of Hagar in Genesis chapter 16. Hagar was the maid to Sarah, Abraham's wife who started disrespecting her mistress who had no child because she got pregnant. Sarah, her mistress was upset with her, and of course that didn't turn out well, so she ran away.

And on her run, she got to a place where she was giving up and she said I'm just going to let myself die here. God sent an angel to her who encouraged her, who told her what had happened, what she had been going through, and what next to do. That encounter was so inspiring and positively surprising that Hagar called the place Beer Lahai Roi because in that place she had seen the one who sees her.

She called God El Roi, The God who sees me. And today I just want to let you know that, that same God sees you. He knows you. He knows what you're going through. He knows your suffering and I would love to remind you that no matter what you're going through, you are not alone. When Hagar gave up God didn't give up on her and no matter what you're going through I want to encourage you today that God has not given up, and will not give up, on you.

Another scripture I would like to share with you today to let you know that God sees you and God knows you is Psalms 139 verses 13 to 14, where David was just so taken by the idea that God knows him that he said, 

“You formed my innermost being, keeping my delicate inside and my intricate outside. and weave them all together in my mother's womb. I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex. Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it. How thoroughly, you know me, Lord. 

God knows you thoroughly. He knows your inside and your outside. Your yesterday, your today, and your tomorrow. He knows what you're going through. And when you hear people try to tell you you're too emotional, you're such a complicated person. You're so difficult. I want you to know that God knows you in and out and still loves all of you. Like the psalmist said thank you God for making me so mysteriously complex, I want to encourage you to do the same.

As I begin to sing over you and pray over you, I want you to know that this God see you and He knows your name. As I was dwelling on this truth, I was reminded of a song by Maranatha Singers, “He Knows My Name”. 

I have a maker, He formed my heart

Before even time began, my life was in his hands

So I'm going to sing it over you. 

You have a maker, He formed your heart,

before even time began, your life was in his hand.

He knows your name, He knows your every thought

He sees each tear that falls, And he hears you when you call. 

Yes, he hears you when you call. When Hagar said, I can't go on anymore, He heard her and he came to save her. He hears you when you call. The second stanza of that song says, I have a father. Yes, YOU have a father. He's your father. He calls you His own.

You have a father, He calls you his own.

He'll never leave you, No matter where you go. 

Are you thinking right this moment that, oh, I have done wrong? I have been wrong and so God wouldn't want me. In the book of Genesis chapter 16, Hagar was wrong to have been disrespectful to her mistress. But did that stop God from coming after her to save her, to help her, to give her hope?

No matter where you go, no matter what you've done, He loves you. 

He knows your name, He knows your every thought

He sees each tear that falls, and He hears you when you call.

He knows your name, He knows your every thought

He sees each tear that falls, And he hears you when you call. 

I pray for you today that your heart will open up to receive him as he calls you now. Your heart will open up to seek his help, to ask for his help. You will be reminded that he knows you through and through and still loves you just the way you are. I pray that whatever life has thrown you, up to this moment that has impacted, influenced, the way that you think about yourself and about this God, that as you hear me today, you will give yourself a chance for a different, more positive future.

I pray for you today that you will receive God's love and that as you lean into the knowledge that he knows you, you will experience clarity like never before. You will see a direction where you saw confusion. You will see hope where you received turmoil. I pray that you will find strength where you were surrounded by weakness. I pray that in whatever you're going through, you will see God's hand as He begins to turn the situation in your favor.

As He begins to turn your thoughts to favor you, because we win our battles first in our minds before we win them physically, I pray that the reminder that he knows you will break the backbone of depression, of anxiety that you're going through because of what life has thrown your way. I pray for you today that like Hagar who received the Words of the angel, and turned back to her mistress, that you will receive these words and turn back to receive, to embrace God's love, even as he's pouring it out upon you today. And I pray this in Jesus name, Amen. 

Next week we're going to be prayed over by Becca Ray Eagle. [00:13:00] She's a sacred penning coach who supports women through the process of transformative somatic meditative journaling and she will be praying over us.

Becca Ray Eagle is going to be one of the speakers at the Confident Godly Woman Summit taking place from August 5th to 7th. I am inviting you to sign up for this free summit on Eventbrite to experience The word of God coming from people with lived experience, people who are supporting women in various ways. In addition to Becca, there will be a clarity coach, Yours Truly, myself – JKO; A certified life coach, that will be Rachael Arnold And the host, Annette Peters, a women’s another coach who supports women through interactive group activities like arts, hiking, and such. So, I'll put a link to the summit in the show notes for the episode. I strongly encourage you to check out the Eventbrite page, sign up, and attend each free one and a half hour session over the three day summit.

I am trusting that you will open up your heart to receive the outpouring of God's goodness through today's episode, and also through the summit, because I know for a truth that when you do this, messy won't stop you.

Thank you so much for listening, See you next time.