Messy Can't Stop Her

Prayers for hope when words fail, and light when darkness surrounds

Judith Kambia Obatusa (JKO) Season 5 Episode 10

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After a period of silence due to a technological hiccup and a very recent loss, Judith Kambia Obatusa, JKO, continues the series on praying God's word over us. JKO reflects on finding solace in God during times of overwhelming grief and uncertainty, much like the story of Job.

Through prayer and scripture, she encourages listeners who may be facing their own trials and reminds them that, in God's hands, even the darkest moments work together for our good. 

If you are in a place where only divine intervention can bring change, tune in to join JKO as she prays over you for help, peace and God’s glorious turnaround in your life.

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Welcome to this episode of Messy can’t stop her. I am your host, Judith Kambia Obatusa – J K O. I just want to start by saying, I'm really sorry for my silence this past couple of weeks. It started with a technological issue where I had no internet for weeks. And when I got that all sorted out, because I moved to a new place. I had another loss last week and it made me so. 

I was just. So quiet. I don't know if you've ever had something happen to you. And all you can do is just, just be quiet. Because you have no words. But in that place of no words, I was also. Talking [00:01:00] to God, like the song by Tramaine Hawkins. 

Basically my heart was singing…

What shall I do 


Can I say singing?


What step should I take 

What move should I make

Oh, Lord What shall I do 

I'm going to wait 

For an answer from you

I have nothing to lose

Oh Lord, I'm going to wait 

I know you'll come through [00:02:00] 

For a blessing for me

Please Lord set my soul free

Oh, Lord, I know you’ll come through. 

I can’t live without your help

I am weak all by myself

Lord please give me the strength I need

So I can possess eternal peace

No one else can calm my fears

God alone can wipe away my tears

because I did cry tears. 

Sometimes you may have people who really love you, but they can't do anything about the situation. They can’t change it. And that's where I was. And today. I actually have a recording that I had already done of an interview, but today I'm just very [00:04:00] much led. 

I don't know if you're in that situation that I was, that I'm in right now, actually. And you don't know what to do, and there's no one that can help you. It has to be that … Something bigger. Something greater. Someone mightier. Yeah. The divine. The Supreme God of gods. He alone is the one that can help you. 

That's where I am. And I want to say a word of prayer for you. Because at the end in times like this. I hold onto Romans 8:28. 

And no matter what is happening. All these things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Well, we have pulled out, got into God's [00:05:00] purpose. It can be a tough journey. Like, if you look at the story of Job, The book of Job. You see a man who was doing it right. Yet. What happened to him was tragedy upon tragedy upon tragedy. 

And you wonder, Why? 

Just like the man that was born blind when the disciples asked Jesus. Why? Why? Was it because of his sin or the sins of his mom and dad? No. Jesus said no. It's so that God will be glorified. 

Even though Job was going through those tragedies, the people around him blamed him, they said it was his fault. 

His wife encouraged him, curse God and die. She was ready to become a widow because the pain, the troubles were so much. I don't [00:06:00] know if you are in that situation. 

But no matter what you are going through. Bible promises us that all these things will work together for our good. 

And if I don't have any other proof of this, I'll take you back again to Job where at the end, God doubly blessed him for his losses. God wiped away his tears and changed his story and God's name was glorified because of what he did in Job’s life. And at the end, we no longer use Job as an example of a tragedy, but we use him as an example of God changing our story. 

If you are in that situation. [00:07:00] where only God can help you, only the divine can change the situation you have found yourself. I've come to pray over you today. Standing or what God has done, standing on His promise that all things work together for good. 

Father, we want to thank you. For you are mighty you are. You are good, you are kind, there is no one like you. 

Father, we thank you that in all these things, Bible even tells us that we are more than conquerors because of your love for us. 

You are the one who makes a way when they say there is no way. Right now, there is no way. Right now, we don't know how we can come out of [00:08:00] this situation. We don't know how change can come. We don't know how these troubles will be turned around. 

But Lord, we're going to trust your word that says in all these troubles, in all these tragedies, in all this rejection, all this pain, we are more than conquerors through you that loved us. The one who loved was when we did not even know him. The one who continues to love us. 

I put the heart of my sister, who is listening to me into your hands. That God, you will give her comfort. You will give her hope. You will remind her. Remind her of hope that is in you. Remind her. Shine light into the darkness of her situation. 

Shine light into the darkness of [00:09:00] our situation. 

Father, where we can not see a way, just with a sliver of that light, let us see a place to put the next. The next footstep. The next step. Show us by even a flicker of light what the next step we should take is. 

And if there is no next step but to lean on you, to rest in you. Father, I ask that you give us the grace that we need. 

I pray in particular for my sister that is listening to me right this moment. Give her grace that she needs. The grace to trust you. To trust that you would come through for her. To trust that you would send her the help she needs. Father to trust that you would make a way out of this place where there seems to be no way. [00:10:00] Because you are the God who keeps your word. Who never changes. Jehovah, we lean on you. 

I speak peace. Because you are the one who is the peace giver. 

That song says way maker, miracle worker. 

I add burden bearer. At this time of burdens that we're looking at burdens. Ah, we don't know where to go with these burdens but God, we thank you because you are our burden bearer. You are the promise keeper. That's why we can lean on your word that says all things are working together for our good. 

We bless your name. We worship you Lord. Thank you faithful father. [00:11:00] 

Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' mighty name, we have prayed. We thank you, Lord. Thank you. We thank you for a testimony. Father from a tragedy to triumph. From a test to testimony. Thank you. 

Thank you from worry to warrior. Thank you for changing our story for your glory. We bless your name, Lord. We worship you, Lord. We appreciate you, Lord. We are grateful for, we can trust you when nothing seems to be working, we can trust you. We can hold onto you because you are steadfast, immovable unshakeable. From age to age you remain the same. You did it for Job. You will do it for us. 

You’ll do it for Judy. [00:12:00] You’ll do it for Sara. You’ll do it for Funmi. You'll do it for everyone that is listening to. To me, this. This moment. Thank you faithful father. In Jesus' mighty name. We've prayed. My sister. 

I know you'd be asking how, how is there going to be a change? But I want to encourage you. I want to encourage you to just trust. God will make a way for you. Trust him. 

Put your trust in him. 

When you do this messy won’t stop you. Thank you so much for listening. See you next time.