Messy Can't Stop Her

Praying God's Word with Prophetess Natasha Rae: Prayers for Healing, Restoration and Power

Prophetess Natasha Rae & Judith Kambia Obatusa (JKO) Season 5 Episode 13

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Rounding up our series on praying God’s Word over us Natasha Rae, a prophetess and passionate prayer warrior, offers practical advice on how prayer can heal wounds, restore relationships, and bring hope to even the darkest of times. She encourages and reminds women who are feeling distant from God that He hears every cry, and leads a powerful prayer for listeners to experience God's love healing and restoration. 

If you are struggling with faith or seeking spiritual growth, this episode will reignite your connection with God and empower you to move forward.

Nuggets of wisdom in this episode

Even if you feel disconnected from God, He still hears you when you call.

No matter the situation, even when it seems your prayers are unanswered, trust in God’s plan for you.

Do not stop calling on God because He is always present and willing to help you.

You can follow Natasha on YouTube at Natasha Rae Ministries and read her books on Amazon.

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Thank you so much for listening.

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JKO: [00:00:00] Welcome to this episode of Messy Can't Stop Her. I am your host Judith Kambia Obatusa, J K O. Continuing our series on praying God's word over us. We are so privileged, so blessed to have Natasha Ray. a woman of God, and she will be praying over us. She's a prayer warrior who is passionate about building faith in other women.

JKO: So Natasha, I just want to say thank you so much for honoring us with your presence. Welcome. 

Natasha Rae: Thank you for having me. It is an honor to be here. It is always an honor to bring the kingdom down to share the kingdom of God, to bring the power of the most high into the ears of the listeners. So I'm so delighted to be here today.

Natasha Rae: Beautiful. Thank you. 

JKO: Thank you, Natasha. So I just want to ask you a couple of questions before you, [00:01:00] you do what the Lord has sent you here to do with us today. And the first thing I want to ask you is, when we talk about the work that you do, supporting women in building their faith. How did you get started?

JKO: Get into that journey, 

Natasha Rae: uh, raised as a Jehovah's witness, came out of that, went into new age, came out of that, uh, very abusive marriage, single mother of four, beautiful, precious, amazing gifts of God. I realized that, you know, many women have become victimized over the years, um, in not only the church because they, they didn't fit or understand their calling of God, but also in, in the places of earth, you know, in relationships.

Natasha Rae: And so really. The greatest gift that I believe we give is the love of Jesus. It's not telling them all these things. It's not, you know, saying you got to do a Y and Z. It's like seek the Lord's face, know the love of God. And he will go in and [00:02:00] heal those places and draw nigh the broken parts of your heart.

Natasha Rae: And so that's what he's done for me. And it is my honor to make sure that my part on this earth is to show other women that they can have the pieces of their heart restored by the greatest King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

JKO: Hallelujah. This makes my heart really sweet because Messy Can't Stop Her has the vision of supporting women who are in the chaos, crisis, and challenges of life.

JKO: Women in the trenches. Help them, build them up, remind them of who they are, empower them to thrive. And so what you're doing is so aligned with what Mexican Stopper is doing. And I really, really appreciate the fact that you're here. So many of the women that listen to this podcast, they are not believers in this God that we talk about.[00:03:00] 

JKO: And here, you say something about God healing you. Are you able to share with that woman who is listening, who feels that God has failed her or that there's no God, about how prayer and your relationship with God Yeah, 

Natasha Rae: absolutely. So the first thing I would share is that I call God Father, Papa, Abba, Daddy, and those are the things I call him.

Natasha Rae: So the first thing I had to do was restore what a father looked like and, and the real relationship of love, what love looked like, even what discipline looks like from a father. And, you know, once I was able to accept a true love of a father, healing and restoring relationships with men, I was able to open up my heart to the love of the father.

Natasha Rae: And you know, the biggest thing is it's not based on what we do or all of these striving. [00:04:00] It's just coming before him and saying, I'm broken. I'm hurting. I'm abused. I've been through traumas and trials. Papa, please. Show me how to draw an eye onto you, show me how to have my heart healed, show me what true peace and healing looks like.

Natasha Rae: And when we just come before him, you know, without agenda, we, we don't have to have fancy bells and whistles. We just bring our broken hearts before him and ask him to show up and begin the healing process. 

JKO: Love it. You said you are. a mother to four nations. And for many women, we either have challenges to our partners, we're in bad relationships that are difficult, or we're in relationships with our children that are difficult.

JKO: And I just want to ask you to share testimony of power of [00:05:00] prayer. In your life. 

Natasha Rae: Sure. So I have an older son and he's already left home and there was a season where, you know, he wasn't really seeking the Lord and he hadn't been saved. And so every single morning, I would get up first thing in the morning.

Natasha Rae: I would put together my communion. I would fast. I'd sit in front of my fireplace with my Bible and all my books. I'd come before the Lord and I would contend by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of testimony and by the scripture and by prayer and by the love of God over my family. And it was within a few weeks after that, I led him to the Lord.

Natasha Rae: He accepted Christ. So, you know, prayer works coming before the Lord works. And at this point, Every one of my Children are actually saved and, um, and serving the Lord in their way, whether it's in their school or the community or their friends, and they've all come out on the streets with me and work with those that are experiencing homelessness.

Natasha Rae: So, you know, prayer will [00:06:00] draw nigh that, um, prodigal son, that father, mother. Yeah. And we're not to give up. Don't don't stop. Be fervent, be powerful in your prayer. Know that God answers prayers in the name of Jesus. Don't lay down anything based on what you see with your eye, but by faith, hold onto that promise and keep moving forward.

Natasha Rae: He shall provide. 

JKO: Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I just have another question before we go into prayers. Uh, I don't know. There are women I know who may be listening to this podcast and who listened to this podcast who have losses like me. I lost my firstborn and to a lifestyle that wasn't how she was raised, but trauma led her there and she struggled.

JKO: She fought so hard. to be healed. But the situation kept pulling her [00:07:00] back and I couldn't help. So there are some times when you pray certain prayers and you expect a particular answer. And that answer doesn't come that way. For example, my daughter died and when she died, it was so hard. I couldn't understand it.

JKO: I still can't understand it. I still ask the Lord to show me. To lead me step by step because one thing our God does he doesn't give you the entire picture all the time Many times he doesn't so you go step by step Lead me step by step to see how your glory is revealed in this situation because the bible does tell us That's all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.

JKO: So for a woman who is like giving up on God not believing him because like you gave a testimony of your children now And for them they may not have that kind of testimony Can you maybe if you have a testimony around that of [00:08:00] showing a time when God didn't answer that way that you thought The way that you would have loved the way you desired it But at the end, at the end, he showed his, his might, his power.

JKO: In a way that when you looked back, you were able to say, God, thank you. 

Natasha Rae: Yeah. I think what I heard while you were talking is, is the scripture in Matthew 11, 12, and from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of Heavers suffered violence and the violent take it by force. And so, you know, my, my stance with my children is, and I can't swear on here, but it's like mess around and find out mess around and find out.

Natasha Rae: What this mama's about to do. So I needed to learn to go to the kingdom of God. I needed to learn who I was and the power that I possess. I needed to learn the keys of the kingdom. I needed to learn what power Christ has given in me through the dunamis to fight for my family. And at the end, if I've done it all, I've done it all.

Natasha Rae: I've searched. I've [00:09:00] gone to the courts of heaven. I've come against that spirit of Bacchus. I've done all those things. I have to release it to the Lord. I don't know everything. You know, I went through a season where the Lord took me where one of my children left. He left to another country. And I was pretty sure I would never see him again.

Natasha Rae: And I warred and I warred, but what the Lord did in me was made it so that if he didn't come back, I was okay with letting him go because we don't want anything while we're on this earth to derail us from the mission and the calling that we're here for, and that is why it's so important that we need to stay out of our flesh.

Natasha Rae: And stay in the spirit of time. This stuff is all temporal and I don't know. I haven't completely lost a child, but I have been in a situation where it was very close more than once. Every one of my Children, the devil has tried to take out very young even. And I feel like the building within me [00:10:00] says, Lord, I trust you enough that if everything I have done and I have violently tried to take it back, if I can't do it, I know you got my baby.

Natasha Rae: I know you got my babies because they're your babies and that's my resolve. 

JKO: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So if you're listening to us this moment and you're like giving up on God intervening in certain areas of your life. The truth is that God does answer us, maybe not exactly in the way that we expect the answer to be, and being able to rest in Him, trust in Him.

JKO: Give it up as an offering. Someone told me, give it up as an offering. Give the situation up as an offering to God. Trust Him. You will definitely see an outcome that will put you in awe of God's might and how he's able to turn around situations to favor you in a way you never, ever expected. [00:11:00] And as we say this now, if you're a person in a situation as difficult or you are somebody who has turned their back on God because you didn't get an answer that you wished for, I want you to lean in this moment as Natasha begins to lead us, bring down heaven in our situation through her prayers and the word of God.

JKO: Natasha, the floor is yours. 

Natasha Rae: So when you, we talked yesterday, the Lord quickly gave me three scriptures. They're all in Romans and they're all in Romans eight. Praise the Lord. The first one I speak over you guys, which is so aligned with the question you asked. 8 1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them, in Christ Jesus, who walk not.

Natasha Rae: After the flesh, but [00:12:00] after the spirit in 28 and we know that all things, not some things, honey, all things work together for the good to them that love God. To them who are called according to his purpose, his will, his love, his choice. Surrender that to him. And finally, knowing that I am persuaded in 838, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, or principalities, powers, nor things present or things to come.

Natasha Rae: Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord, Lord, and Savior. We thank you by your blood, by your power, by your goodness, by your grace, that we are loved and we are covered. That's your will shall be done. [00:13:00] That there is no condemnation because we look to you, the author and finisher, the one that went before us, the one that is our rear guard, the one that covers us, we know God that you have our best interests.

Natasha Rae: Yeah. I'm Doria. Yeah. So today in this prayer, Out of the, the rivers of living water from my belly, as the spirit of the living God speaketh, I declare every wound, every fear, every pain, associated around the love of God, and the lack thereof. Be dispelled in Jesus name. I declare father lord god that you come with your supernatural love into every heart And every mind that surpasses the knowledge of what they can even know and just totally radically takes apart Everything that has tried to sit in there speak to them and derail them from your [00:14:00] love Every word, curse, every enemy, every every sleepless night, every dream, Lord, God, we place upon and underneath the blood of Jesus and now God, I declare peace.

Natasha Rae: Be still peace. Come within each person listening your perfect peace. Peace that surpasses understanding the peace of heaven. I just speak that peace over the hearts and minds of the listeners. Amen. 

Natasha Rae: I thank you, Lord, that your plans and purposes are to prosper us and not harm us. Yeah. To give us a hope and a future.

Natasha Rae: And I see many tears rolling from this broadcast. And I thank you that each tear that falls, you are reminding me that you [00:15:00] catch it. That they are not lost. And every sadness and every lonely night and every cry out to you, you hear it. And you answer it, Father Lord God, so that so many know they are not left in the dark.

Natasha Rae: And today, Papa, Father, Abba, Daddy. I pray that you will tangibly show up for those that are listening, that they will know the love of a father, the true love, no matter what they believe they've done, no matter what the sin, no matter what the hardship. And right now that they feel the hand of God on their heart

Natasha Rae: and that the light and the power of God come around their heart now [00:16:00] and soak up every wound and every fear of being loved and loving others. Let that great river of love flow now. In the mighty name of Jesus. We honor you, we glorify you, we thank you, Father. All of these things are for you, Father. We thank you, Lord God, for your goodness, for your grace, for your mercy and love.

Natasha Rae: I command that the gifts of heaven fall upon the listeners. That whatever they're facing, Lord God, they will open their mouths and out of them will be the two edged sword that will just divide through the bone and marrow that will heal the souls and spirits, Lord God. And I thank you, Father, for the word of God that cometh upon them now as the sword [00:17:00] of the spirit that will bring truth and justice in each one of their lives.

Natasha Rae: And I just pray, say it the Lord, that you are my beloved, in whom I am well delighted. So we just thank you, father, in the mighty name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Blessed be your name. 

JKO: Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Oh, Natasha. Blessings, blessings, blessings, such a blessing.

JKO: Thank you so much, sister. 

Natasha Rae: It's my honor. I'm thankful. We are lights in the dark and we are not to put those lights out. We are to continue to just shine bright no matter what we're in and what is conflicting us. And I just want to encourage everybody out there that however dark it looks, whatever you've done, whatever sin you're walking in, how far you feel you've walked [00:18:00] away from God, He hears your prayers.

Natasha Rae: Open your mouth. Open your mouth and pray the Lord show you open your mouth and call out, Jesus, I need you because it doesn't matter where you are. He sees you. You are not hidden from the father. I don't care what's going on. Don't give up.

JKO: Hallelujah. So you heard that open your mouth. Ask God to help you call on Him and He will answer.

JKO: This is His Word and this is His promise to you. It doesn't matter, just like Natasha said, and when you do this, messy won't stop you. Thank you so much for listening. See you next time.